I’m Yvonne and this is my family recipe cookbook – thank you for stopping by. Here you’ll find loads of homemade recipes all from different cuisines and cultures.
Just a little background about me – I’m a very international person and love to travel and explore different cuisines and cultures. I’ve also lived in quite a few countries, which is why you’ll find so many different cuisines on my food blog. All the recipes here revolve around my unique culture and lifestyle. With my multicultural background, I hope you’ll find something here you can relate to.
One of the most important things I’d like you to know about me is that I’m actually a student. I have never had any professional culinary training but wanted to share my wide variety of recipes with you. Because of this, I’d like to emphasise that if I can cook these meals, so can you!
I’m a student who only really started cooking once I started university. I rarely cooked before that. These recipes are simple enough for other students to cook in their student accommodation.
So Why Itsjanius? I wish there was a more interesting background story to my blog name, but it doesn’t have anything to do with cooking. When I first started this food blog, I was only just starting to learn more about blogging and cooking. I wasn’t sure if I would even commit to this site, so I didn’t want to invest in a new URL, so I decided to recycle an old website URL that my family used to use.
And now it’s a year later, I’m still committed to this site but never changed the website name. I might change the website name later down the line, but for now, I’m happy with Itsjanius Recipes.
Thanks for stopping by – I hope you can find inspiration here when you’re looking for a new dish to try. Don’t forget to stay in touch on my Youtube Channel, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram for regular updates!
Any queries? Email me here